
try try again .... or is it "try try try try try try again?"

For real ... how many times do we have to try something? Failure is just the worst for sure! BUT .. I am going to try again. I just can't give up. Try what you say? Diet, exercise, meal planning, making lunches the night before, keeping up on laundry ... you know ... EVERYTHING! lol

I'll start with one today ... hmmm which one. Let's go with uhhhh okay, this is harder than I thought. Diet! Ya, diet or maybe something easier like making lunches the night before since it is Friday ... he he 


Vegan Wonton Soup (try)

So, I tried a new recipe today .... well it started yesterday. I wanted to make a vegan wonton soup so I searched the internet but everything I found had tofu in the wonton but I wanted it to be just veggies. So, onward! Got a bag of cabbage, mushrooms, ginger, garlic and wonton wrappers. I didn't know that the wonton wrappers may not be vegan so I didn't look to make sure on the ingredients. Guess I should next time huh? Well here it is ...(Please excuse my bad photography!)

I sauteed the cabbage, mushrooms, ginger and garlic then used water to wet the edges, added the veggies, folded corner to corner, pressed the sides together and voila!
I then poured two boxes of veg stock into a pot, added half a leek, ginger, soy sauce, and mushrooms. I let it boil lightly for about 30 minutes then added the wontons.

sauteed veggies and wrappers ready to be wrapped!

Wonton soup ... MMMM (the wontons are hiding!)
It turned out way yummy! I did remove some of the leeks and veggies ... My kids would have freaked! I liked it though. My carnivorous husband liked it too. Oh, I added some tofu at the end thinking Hubby would need some protein but he only had a few bites. He went straight to the freezer and got a Morning Star Black Bean Burger .... Oh well. I'm not giving up! 

I have to find something out there that the whole family will like. I have to!


Going Vegan

What an amazing life. I've had 30+ (well maybe a little high on the +) years of eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I am officially a fast food junkie. Now, not so much. My husband was diagnosed with needing a quadruple bypass about a month ago. Our whole lives have changed. I am trying a new vegan recipe as often as I can and will share them as I come across one that is sufficient. So far .... Not so good. Only spaghetti has made it through. I've made ... hmmm let's see .... veggie burgers, tofu sushi, barley soup with soy creamer, seitan (but I totally messed that one up) ...
Today, I made butternut squash Mac and Cheese. Yummy! I didn't have the kids running, spitting it out in the garbage or saying "oh mommy can we just make a pb & j?

Here it is ... Thank you so much manifestvegan.com!!

Smokey Butternut Mac and Cheese
  • 16 ounces brown rice pasta, macaroni, penne, fusili, shells all work well
  • 2 cups cashews, soaked in water at least 3 hours and drained
  • 1  1/2 to 2 cups almond milk, to thin
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 2 cups cooked butternut squash
  • 1/3 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 5 cups chopped (and de-stemmed) kale - I used one bag of spinach instead
  • 1/2 tablespoon coconut or olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
Cook the pasta according to package directions, undercooking just slightly by a minute or so. Drain well and rinse completely with cold water to remove any starch.
Transfer the pasta back to the pot and set aside. I like to stir in a drizzle of olive oil at this point to keep the pasta slick, but it’s not necessary.
Place the soaked and drained cashews, 1 cup almond milk, lemon juice, lemon zest, cooked butternut squash, nutritional yeast, garlic, and 1  1/4 teaspoons salt into a food processor. Blend very well, at least 7 minutes, until completely smooth and silky, scraping down the sides as necessary. Add about 1/2 cup more almond milk until thinned, pulsing between each addition. Add the sauce to the pasta in the pot, and then stir in the remaining almond milk to thin. Warm up gently over medium-low heat, stirring often until desired temperature is reached. Sprinkle on the smoked paprika and fold just to combine.



Failure is such a bummer! It's hard not to beat yourself up when you don't do what you know you are supposed to do! I know "if at first you don't succeed, try try again" but for me it should read "if at first you don't succeed, try try try try try try try try....." I have a hard time trying again after so many failures but God is good and my faith is in Him! I will try again with Him by my side....tomorrow! LOL See what I mean?! This is crazy!

Prayer Starter: God, I know that life won't always go the way I want it to, but I trust in You. By faith, I receive Your grace, the power You have freely given to help me walk through any situation I face today.


Try again??

Here we go again. . . so far so bad! I know we are all human but I wish sometimes I weren't so much. I am finding that I have Add but not so much in the way that would be "good" and organized, more in the procrastinating, can't finish anything because of disappointment and distraction. I know . . I feel like I am using it as a crutch or excuse which goes back to the "failure" idea that seems to go with Add. I just really need to focus on my walk with God. Focus! .... wait that seems to be the problem.  --- praying for patience, focus and closeness with God. 



I have to share ... so, I've been getting all these little, well not little .. big, notes from God and this one takes the cake! I started a bible lesson (biblestudylessons.com) and it says to have a bible handy to refer and read. I've been searching for my bible for a while and found my bible cover but not my bible. So, I pleaded to God to help me find my bible. I turned the corner to my craft room which is so cluttered and incredibly messy to the point you can't even walk into the room without stepping on a box or book or tote, and immediately looked at my bible, on the floor behind a tote and books. Below some papers there was a corner of my bible standing out like a flashlight. I couldn't believe it. I actually said out loud "is that my bible? No way?!" I stepped on anything and everything without a care in the world to reach that bible and ... it was. I almost fell to the floor. My knees were weak and the tears started to flow. I prayed thanking God in a way I have never done before. I am so overwhelmed with the love of God that I feel like I am going to explode! I want to please Him like never before. I am overflowing with a sense of love that I've never felt. I am so ready for life and all that it brings! All things are possible but only with Jesus Christ our Lord!


So, here we are . . . now what? That is what I am struggling with today, well every day! I think we all need to know that we are here for a purpose. I need to know that someone is feeling that I am purposeful. My life until now has been wondering about without smell, taste and feeling. I can see the flowers but can't smell them. I can touch the petals but can't enjoy the smooth surface. The chocolate next to the flowers looks good. I know it is supposed to be good but there is no flavor. I can't even feel the texture as it melts in my mouth. That's it! I'm done! I want to smell the flowers!!!!
So, here starts my new day. I was listening to a podcast from my favorite pastor Marty Martin on northstarpc.cc on the way to South Carolina. I had been so down and feeling like I was wondering about with no purpose. I hadn't listened to a podcast from him in a while so I took advantage of the time in the car and put them on. The first one was "what it takes to really change" .... Really??? I have never felt that God was talking directly to me. I have had people tell me "I knew what to do because God told me" or "God was pushing me to do this or that", but never have I felt that way. . . until now!!! Omg-sh Omg-sh Could it really have been that loud? I have prayed and prayed to be spoken to like other people but after hearing the message, I know why I haven't heard Him. Duh! Marty said "how can you know your purpose if you are not connected with God on a daily basis? If you are not connected, you won't recognize his voice when he is speaking to you". I thought, wow maybe he has been speaking to me all the time but I haven't heard him.
So, if you listen on Marty talks about spending time with God every morning before everyone gets up ... Oh No! I am the worst morning person ever! No really! I said "Really God? Do I have to???" and I heard in my heart almost as plain as a voice ... Really! Noooo! I can't do that!! Then after listening to three or four podcasts, I realize I can't do it without God. Which brings me back to the getting up earlier than the worm. So, I'm praying for God to lift me out of bed at 5:30 am or smack me or ice cold water. I am knowing that with God all things are possible . . . I can do it! tomorrow. . . Okay, so it didn't work this morning or last but it will work tomorrow!! I know it will! I am so ready for change! I Can do this! (with God, not by myself )


Summer Vacation

So, here we are sitting outside in OK ... sun, country, smell of horses, raccoon in the kitchen drawer .. you know, the usual! LOL! We woke up this morning wondering where the baby raccoon had run off to and found it looking for the muffin pan. Such a beautiful place here in Broken Bow. A wonderful, refreshing country atmosphere. Seeing the horses running through the pasture and John calling the horses with a cowboy woop woop. Just amazingly beautiful! Going to bed with the smell of horses on your hands from loving "Bones" before bed ... This truly is God's Country!


Not So Bummer Summer!!

Okay, so inspired! Just saw Judy Moody's Not So Bummer Summer and can't wait to get started with our "Not So Bummer Summer"!

So, here's the deal - you need 5 or 6 dares - we put .. rock wall climbing, jump from a high dive, walking around Target in PJ's, Go Cart/put put race, hold a frog until it pees, do a show of some sort for your neighborhood (advertise on signs of date and time and put all over neighborhood).

Each dare is worth 10 thrill points. You get bonus points (10) if you do something extra during each dare and there are loser points if you fail at the dare (-10).

I'll post a pic when we get ours done! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! YIPPEE!

Oh and yes .... parents, you too! I'm so doing it! I need a little fun this summer!


coupon site

Okay, so I'm laying in bed last night .. again .. and had some great thoughts to write about .. again .. and here I am .. again .. not remembering even one thought I had! What the world?!

I did want to mention that I've been a member of this coupon saving site for about a month and am really liking it. It cuts my "coupon time" in half (not that I've been doing it for years). anyway, SavingsAngel.com is the site if you wanna drop by. I've enjoyed being able to post in the community and there are some great ideas posted that have been helpful for me (newbie). My favorite part of the site is the posts of "stock up" times and places. I look forward to the day that I can buy like the extreme couponers! Can I get a wooop wooop!

So, today I hit FlyLady.net to see my chores for the day, make a packing list for our OK trip, make invites for our end of the year pool party, and make a plan for next weeks' sitting. Wish me luck!


New Day

So, I'm trying to sleep last night and of course .. couldn't and was thinking of all i could be writing in my blog, wondering why i dont write more often. hmmm .. dunno. i sure had a lot to say last night but of course can't remember a bit this morning. i have ideas and thoughts but have never really been a writer or reader, really. okay, that sounds weird. . (in my head, i'm not actually talking out loud while writing). so, not a writer, not a reader ... what am i? well, today i am a writer and couponer. i have gotten so addicted to the couponing thing! I have never couponed before. ya, i know. some of you are like "what???" and some of you are like "me? never". I guess it is my new obsession. i take on and take off obsessions like the planes at Newark Airport! Okay, first it was doing my own nails (I just couldn't pay $30 to have someone else do what I could learn to do myself). Then, it was baby sign language (which i still am in love with but it was a little trendy so no one is interested anymore), sewing, crochet, knitting, making bows (until i mastered the most beautiful boutique bow), scrapbooking (which never really took off-i never printed my pics), making paper crafts/recycle crafts (i've even made my own paper!), oh oh oh and baking like breads and such, hair cutting (my poor son! It never looked horrible but he was so good and patient! I even cut my own hair! CRAZY!), and now ... couponing! I guess out of all my OCD moments this has got to be the best. Not a peep from my hubby as of yet, but it is still early. LOL

So, I haven't used amazing coupons like the extreme couponers on TLC but I have started to shop around sales. I make my menu around the sales that week instead of making my menu and then to the grocery to find the items (which were never on sale that week!) I would spend about $120-$140 a week on grocery items and now ... about $80. Ya! I didn't realize until last night when I was explaining to my husband that I may not have used but 5 coupons BUT I did save tons because of waiting (being patient - which I am soooo not!) This has been hard but very exciting at the same time. I look forward to the new ad and finding out what is on sale and what I have coupons for. They don't usually match up amazingly but .. I'm being patient ... I'm being patient! Oh, and I just can't buy 20 bottles of Mylex just because it is free with coupons. I just can't. I have the waste not want not mentality from my childhood. I can't imagine buying so much that I would have to rotate out the expired foods. i would DIE! I just can't imagine! I can't even throw away the rest of my rice and beans from last nights dinner out! Yes, I saved them and along with some chips ... I'll have lunch!

Enough today... I'll write more, be more attentive to my husband, clean often, listen to my children without distraction, forgive easier, love myself longer!


Getting on the Move

In an appartment ... waiting for the house to be finished ... UGH! This apartment is getting smaller by the day! Don't have any of my stuff so can't do ... can't do anything! I did bring my crafting stuff to keep me sane for a bit but now it is xmas time and i want to bake and i have no baking cookware! what the world???


So . . . school starts tomorrow and like most of you . . happy and sad. One starting 2nd grade and the other starting Kindergarten. Wow! it sure was a short summer! Nice having season passes to ShipWreck though! Dont think we could have done it without them!
Hopefully, i will be subbing a lot this year. I look forward to meeting seeing all my kids from last year and meeting new ones. I get such fulfillment out of being there. I hope i dont ever have to give it up!
I am also looking forward to crafting! This summer has been a whirlwind so it will be nice to get all caught up on laundry and household stuff as well as crafting.

Updates: My 5 year old son is officially wanting everyone to smell his farts & my 7 year old daughter wants to be a vegetarian.



It was me going to the bathroom with either two screaming kids (and a dog) outside the door wiht the door locked OR two kids (and a dog) climbing on me while on the potty and walk out with me. Now, go to the potty alone but only for a second and either banging on the door continues until I get out OR two kids (and 2 dogs) at different intervals come in to "check" on me, turn on the light, turn on the fan then the questions . . . "are you going just pee pee or . . . . . " you get the rest.
I'm not upset about being that kind of mom just needing to find "Stephanie" again. Having a hard time finding the difference between the two. hmmmmm


Tiny Mites

Mighty Mites Rehearsal

Pee Wee Rehearsal

Another day of cheerleading . . . competition this Saturday then off to regional competition in Pensacola next week . . then to Navarre for a new competition. . . . gotta love cheer!


Bowznstuff - Boutique Custom Girls Clothing, Hairbows - get the inside scoop: The curl chronicals - the last word in curling hair!

Bowznstuff - Boutique Custom Girls Clothing, Hairbows - get the inside scoop: The curl chronicals - the last word in curling hair!
Moved my desk but doesnt work! Cant seem to work with all the noise of the house around me. HMMM
Dont think I can get my desk into my guest room, but will have to try since there is no other place. Doing lots of rearranging today! Wish me luck!

Need to get stuff ready for Disney. Our FIRST trip! I know, i know, Cant believe it either! Gotta make some stuff for the kids and get our "leashes" ready. . he he Sounds funny but for real! Going to use those badge tags that stretch out with some ribbon and the kids will officially be attached to us. . . . dont know about this! ha ha

Next two weeks . . . BUSY!