
Getting on the Move

In an appartment ... waiting for the house to be finished ... UGH! This apartment is getting smaller by the day! Don't have any of my stuff so can't do ... can't do anything! I did bring my crafting stuff to keep me sane for a bit but now it is xmas time and i want to bake and i have no baking cookware! what the world???


So . . . school starts tomorrow and like most of you . . happy and sad. One starting 2nd grade and the other starting Kindergarten. Wow! it sure was a short summer! Nice having season passes to ShipWreck though! Dont think we could have done it without them!
Hopefully, i will be subbing a lot this year. I look forward to meeting seeing all my kids from last year and meeting new ones. I get such fulfillment out of being there. I hope i dont ever have to give it up!
I am also looking forward to crafting! This summer has been a whirlwind so it will be nice to get all caught up on laundry and household stuff as well as crafting.

Updates: My 5 year old son is officially wanting everyone to smell his farts & my 7 year old daughter wants to be a vegetarian.